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Cat killer is serial killer in the making

For the past few months. The area of Croydon in south London has been terrorised by a killer. This hasn't, up until now, made headline news. I find this - in our age of information. quite alarming. Why - you might think. am I choosing to write about this?//

I am merely a person who is writing about -amongst other things. serial killers. In my time of writing I have researched. Not how you may think. I watch many 'real-crime' programmes on youtube. I have during this time gleaned A LOT of information and I'm puzzled as to how if I have come to the conclusion this 'Cat-killer' is a genuine threat to public safety, why does it seem, the media, has not?//

Why MY concern, you may ask? This 'cat-killer' has been prolific. However the media is treating it almost as a joke. He is after-all just killing cats. People are asking WHY would the police force waste its resources on such? It is a very well known fact that most serial killers start on animals. MOST start on cats. WHY CATS? Cats are a feminine symbol. So why is the Croydon cat killer SO dangerous? He is already symbolically killing women. His removal of their heads and tails shows a certain deviant pathology that screams serial killer in the making.//

Pathology? Serial killers start with certain behaviors . They get a thrill from these behaviors. What is concerning is that inevitably this 'thrill' starts to wain and this is the worrying factor folks. When it starts to wain, the person in question will escalate their behavior. Soon, no doubt, this cat killer will no longer get a thrill from the killing of cats. The extremely terrifying fact is: WHEN (note, not if) but when this happens, the level of violence he has already shown? WILL be unleashed on a very unsuspecting public and I shudder at what kind of terrible torturous death his first human victim will be subject to.//

My eldest daughter lives in South London. What if she is whom he chooses? No. The police MUST do everything in their power to catch this perpetrator before some poor family has to suffer the loss of a daughter/mother/sister.

Criminologist Adam Lynes has already stated that he maybe keeping the heads and tails of the cats as trophies.//

So I fully support Croydon MP Steve Reed in his urging the public in being vigilant. Although he stresses on the distress of animal owners. I suggest you be extra vigilant for another reason. That reason being, you won't be mourning beloved pets but beloved family members if this psychopath isn't caught very soon.

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