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Up until very recently 'The beast of Gevaudan' was largely accepted as an actual documented case of the existence of werewolves. Even the king of France at the time, King Louis XV, sent his own wolf hunters, in an attempt to destroy the creature.

'The Beast of Gévaudan' carried out its first recorded attack in the early summer of 1764. Then,in the later months of 1764, more attacks were reported throughout the region.
Very soon terror had gripped the WHOLE area because the beast was repeatedly preying on lone men, women and children as they tended livestock in the forests around Gévaudan.
Reports note that the beast seemed to only target the victim's head or neck.
Terrestrial wolves will attack their victim's limbs in order to bring it down. This fact, no doubt, added to public hysteria.
More worrying were the reports that it was known to wade THROUGH the sheep, in order to specifically target the shepherd's tending that very livestock.
Not helping the authorities in their desire to prevent public hysteria; was that it appeared to be have been shot on several occasions and yet the attacks continued.
Finally, a local hunter reported he had shot a large un-natural looking beast. After this, the attacks seem to cease.

So...What exactly is the Beast of Gevaudan?

Artist's conception of the Beast of Gévaudan, 18th-century engraving by A.F. of Alençon
A 18th-century print showing a woman defending herself from the Beast of Gévaudan.
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